The story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) gives a clear picture of God’s desire for us to help those in desperate need wherever we find them. After describing how the Samaritan rescued a hurting man whom others had passed by, Jesus told His hearers, “Go and do likewise.” At Denton's Chapel we believe it is part of our mission to follow Christ’s command and partner with Him in service to those in our communities and the communities of our online families. Our goal is to reach hurting people with food, medicine, other assistance and God's love in the Name of Jesus Christ. This, in turn, opens the door for us to share the Gospel, the Good News of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
But serving also does something else... When we serve we grow in the likeness of Jesus and we put ourselves into a place where we can see God do amazing things in the lives of those around us.
But serving also does something else... When we serve we grow in the likeness of Jesus and we put ourselves into a place where we can see God do amazing things in the lives of those around us.
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" (Rom 10:12-15) NIV
Serving at Denton's Chapel
What are we looking for? We are looking for people who want to be a part of the church family as a volunteer. No experience needed... we give on the job training. One of our challenges as a church is how to focus not on what the church needs from volunteers, but rather, what the volunteers need from the church. We are committed to helping YOU find the God-given gifts and passions that make you a unique part of the family. Our desire is that our volunteers play an important role in our mission of bringing others into a relationship with Christ. You matter to the church and it is our desire to find the perfect place for you to serve here at Denton's Chapel.
Denton's Chapel Online:
Each of you is an integral and loved part of the Denton's Chapel family and we are committed to providing opportunities for you to use your gifts and talents as well to serve both here at Denton's Chapel Morganton and within your own community... we are here to help you find your place. Whether serving as a Host during worship, leading a small group, or reaching out to people in your area... Denton's Chapel is here for you.
Opportunities to Serve:
What are we looking for? We are looking for people who want to be a part of the church family as a volunteer. No experience needed... we give on the job training. One of our challenges as a church is how to focus not on what the church needs from volunteers, but rather, what the volunteers need from the church. We are committed to helping YOU find the God-given gifts and passions that make you a unique part of the family. Our desire is that our volunteers play an important role in our mission of bringing others into a relationship with Christ. You matter to the church and it is our desire to find the perfect place for you to serve here at Denton's Chapel.
Denton's Chapel Online:
Each of you is an integral and loved part of the Denton's Chapel family and we are committed to providing opportunities for you to use your gifts and talents as well to serve both here at Denton's Chapel Morganton and within your own community... we are here to help you find your place. Whether serving as a Host during worship, leading a small group, or reaching out to people in your area... Denton's Chapel is here for you.
Opportunities to Serve:
Serve at Denton's Chapel
Hospitality Team - Greeting people as they arrive to worship. Just a smile and a friendly face. YOU are the first impression people have of Denton's Chapel Media Team - Working the cameras, computers or soundboard. This team ensures quality and professional worship to those in the sanctuary as well as online. Online Church Host - Being the online face, hands, feet, and voice of Christ during worship. When our internet family (or guests) come to DentonsChapel.Online.Church it is our Hosts who greet them... make them feel welcome... answers questions... and provides a Spirit-filled worship experience. **Great for our online family as well** Love One Another Team - It is only right that we look after those inside the church as well as those outside. The Love One Another Team is there to celebrate life events of those in the Denton's Chapel family. **Great for our online family as well** Music Team - Can you sing... play an instrument? Use your talents to lead others in worship. Children's Ministry - Every Sunday we offer age appropriate worship/learning to our children. Come be a part of the team that is molding the future of our church. |
Serving Locally
Denton's Chapel is a leader in our community. We are known for our hospitality and the mention of Denton's Chapel brings a smile to the face of many in our neighborhood. We are known for being there when people need help and we LOVE to feed our neighbors. Here are some ways you can get involved in serving our community: Drive Through Meals - Once a month we offer a free drive through meal for anyone who drops by. Typically serving around 500 people there is ample opportunity for you to "find your place" on this amazing team. Adopt a Nursing Home - Every month the Denton's Chapel Women will adopt a local nursing/retirement home and provide clothing, snacks, cards, and ice cream to the seniors in our community. (Online Family Friendly) Christmas Adopt-a-Family - Each Christmas we adopt families and provide a complete family Christmas experience. We provide clothing, toys, food, and even a gift or two for the parents. And we often continue to keep in contact with these families through out the year. (Online Family Friendly) Trunk or Treat - Candy, toothbrushes, games and hot dogs are all part of a safe and family friendly Halloween as we demonstrate the love of Christ and build connections with the families in our area. (Online Family Friendly) Back To School Bash - In the Fall we send the kids back to school with school supplies, haircuts, games, and A LOT of sugar. Just another way to let the families in our community know that we are there to support them through the school year. (Online Family Friendly) |

Serving Globally
We realize that we are part of a larger family that not only spans our nation but the world. We are always looking for new ways to be Christ's witnesses "In Jerusalem, Judah, Samaria, and all the world."
Operation Christmas Child - OCC is a project of Samaritan's Purse that collects shoe box gifts filled with all kinds of items like school supplies, hygiene items and toys and delivers them to children in need around the world.
We realize that we are part of a larger family that not only spans our nation but the world. We are always looking for new ways to be Christ's witnesses "In Jerusalem, Judah, Samaria, and all the world."
Operation Christmas Child - OCC is a project of Samaritan's Purse that collects shoe box gifts filled with all kinds of items like school supplies, hygiene items and toys and delivers them to children in need around the world.